Jul 8, 2011

life is sweet, isn't it?

My goal of this week:
Spend 30 minutes just relaxing and enjoying a sweet snack!
Frozen bananas + natural yogurt + chocolate sprinkles = the sweetest moment!

and this picture,mmm well, I don't know why I take this pic. but what I know it's that I love the colors!!!

What about you? Do you have any goals or plans for this weekend?

HaVe A wOnDeRfUl FrIdAy!!!!


  1. Que rico...se me antoja!!! Plans...hmmmm ballet class for Lily,shopping for me and hopefully some sewing for me.

  2. yummy treat!
    my goal this week is to not stress over a house we can't have/afford and focus on what we can have. this 1 bedroom apartment.
    happy monday!


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Love :)
color land