Dec 19, 2011

Drawing Challenge: HAT

Lovely Greta chose the theme hat, and immediately came to my mind the beautiful hats in the 60's!
Encantadora Greta escogió como tema: sombrero e inmediatamente vino a mi mente los hermosos sombreros de los años 60's!

and of course some of my favorites are those of the TV series Mad Men.....

unfortunately I didn't have enough time to draw, but certainly I found the perfect inspiration!
PS. Handmade Matryoshka dolls on sale here!
Have a nice day!

y por supuesto algunos de mis favoritos son los de la serie de tv Mad Men....
desafortunadamente no tuve tiempo suficiente para dibujar, pero sin duda encontre la inspiracion perfecta!
PD. Muñecas Matryoshka hechas a mano de venta aqui!
Que tengan un lindo día!


  1. I love the 60's! Okay, all the dolls are adorable but I have to say I really, really like the Lily doll :)

  2. I really love your '60 illustrations, no wonder vintage hats are sought after they look fabulous, xx

  3. now I'm desperate to look "mad men"!
    the illustrations of the 60ies are really wonderful - I love the polka-dot hat!

  4. oh, don't get me started on madmen... i spent night after night in marblehead catching up. the styling is perfect on that show. don draper makes me mad sometimes, so why do we love him so much?

  5. Qué maraviloosa idea! Personalmnete a mi me encanta todo lo relacionada a la moda d elos 60's.

    i familia me contó que te conocieron!!! Ojalá pronto nos podamos ver, tenemos que ponermos de acuerdo!


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Love :)
color land