Nov 22, 2015

DC CALM #181

Trying to keep calm in all this listening , seeing and feeling in the world … Recalling the calm that these places have given me . DC is hosted by Veronica, visit her! ******************************************************************************************** Tratando de mantener la calma ante todo lo que se esta escuchando, viendo y sintiendo en el mundo... Recordando la calma que estos lugares me han brindado. El DC de esta semana fue organizado por Veronica, hecha un vistazo en su blog!

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  1. i so love the calm emanating from your images, especially since i just got up and still feel sleepy... ;)))
    there is a ot of calm around us, if we want it... n♥

  2. wonderful images of your calm places.

  3. Lot's of beautiful, calm images. Love it. Hey, I love to make little dioramas too, on rocks or bricks or even in sand. :D

  4. qué fotos tan bonitas, me encanta el land art!


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Love :)
color land